问题 reproduce
- checkout 出来一个 git 分支并命名
git checkout -b feat-helol
- 将该分支 push 至远程
git push origin feat-helol
- 不断的 commit
- 发现 typo,
- 重命名本地分支
git branch -m feat-hello
- 继续 push 的时候遇到了错误
jiangxuandeMacBook-Pro:insight_v2 jiangxuan 🍇 (feat-hello)
$git push
fatal: The upstream branch of your current branch does not match
the name of your current branch. To push to the upstream branch
on the remote, use
git push origin HEAD:feat-helol
To push to the branch of the same name on the remote, use
git push origin feat-hello
To choose either option permanently, see push.default in 'git help config'.
??? 什么情况
# 创建正确的远程分支
git push origin feat-hello
# 移除错误的远程分支
git push origin :feat-helol
# 修改该分支的上游分支
# git 官方文档 https://git-scm.com/docs/git-branch#Documentation/git-branch.txt--ultupstreamgt
git branch feat-hello -u feat-hello
导致git报错的配置是 git config push.default
, 这里是 git 关于该配置的官方文档
By default, git config push.default is set to simple, meaning it will never be happy if the remote branch doesn't match the local branch's name, even if the remote is set as the upstream. Setting git config push.default upstream will suppress those errors. 引用于: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24864700/fatal-the-upstream-branch-of-your-current-branch-does-not-match-the-name-of-you#comment-64377707
git config push.default
, 意味着如果远程的分之命名和本地分支的命名不一致, git 将永远不会'开心', 即使该远程分支被设置为上游分支. 设置git config push.default upstream
上诉的解释虽然可以抑制错误, 但是不是预期的结果, 预期的结果为上游的分支命名也被修改
所以解决方案为 创建正确的远程分支, 删除错误的远程分支, 配置本地分支的上游分支